Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Democratic Primary T-shirts

Let's face it - politics makes for great t-shirts. Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm no fan of New York Senator Hillary Clinton. If she wins the 2008 presidential election, I'll probably leave the country (just like Rosie O'Donnell, Alec Baldwin, and other hypocritical celebrities did when W beat Al Gore). However, President Hillary Clinton would be great for the t-shirt business. Here's a few anti-Hillary shirts for your chesty pleasure, as well as a couple Barack Obama t-shirts.

hillary clinton ben dover 2008 election t-shirt
hillary clinton ben dover 2008 election t-shirt

comrade clinton hillary clinton  election t-shirt
hillary clinton ben dover 2008 election t-shirt

barack obama bomb squad election t-shirt
barack obama bomb squad 2008 election t-shirt

end bush start obama html geek election t-shirt
end bush start obama html geek election t-shirt

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