Wednesday, June 18, 2008

American Pi T-Shirt

It all started back in my freshman calculus class. We had this professor who was always making corny jokes.

One day, we were talking about the hilarious comedy movie "American Pie" and he overheard us. Next thing you know, he's up at the board and drew this big blob that sort of looked like a map of the USA with this ridiculously long string of numbers in it - 3.14159265358979323846.. and so on.

He turns around; looks at us with this big grin on his face and says "American Pi! Get it?".

We all looked at each other dumbfounded and then burst into laughter.

So in honor of one of my favorite teachers, is proud to offer "American Pi" - a funny, punny and patriotic tee for mathematicians and college professors.

Get it at
American Pi - funny math t-shirtAmerican Pi - funny patriotic geek t-shirt - funny t-shirts for sexy people... oh and for you too.

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